Luxury Pools for Luxury Living


Turn your pool and outdoor space ideas into a resort-inspired luxury oasis of beauty and relaxation.

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​​The Presidential Experience

Presidential Pools & Spas provides more than luxury pool design — we provide a total lifestyle upgrade. ​Our specialists focus entirely on creating extraordinary environments that leave lasting impressions. With our dedication to utilizing the highest quality materials and implementing the finest design and building concepts, Presidential ensures complete satisfaction for years to come.


The Finest Concepts in Luxury Pool Design

Elevated Residential Pool Design

We work directly with you to reimagine your outdoor environment and poolscape for year-round relaxation and ultimate luxury.

360 Commercial Pool Design

We align with your vision to create inspired pool and outdoor concepts that elevate the environment and improve the experience.

Remodel & Reimagine

Turn your existing pool and outdoor environment into a private, resort-inspired sanctuary.


We provide white-glove service and top-tier products to ensure your pool and outdoor spaces deliver endless enjoyment.

World-Class Designers

Our experienced and imaginative designers create functional pool and exterior design concepts unique to your space and vision.

Unmatched Quality

We source only the finest materials to build your ideal pool and outdoor space, ensuring you and your guests enjoy a lifetime of luxury.

White-Glove Service

Remarkable design starts with remarkable service. Our hands-on team manages every detail from start to finish to deliver a worry-free, turnkey build experience.

Efficient Delivery Times

With our transparent approach to the design and build process, we’re able to deliver finished concepts faster than any of our competitors.

Our projects

Geometric Swimming Pools

Free Form Swimming Pools

Water & Fire Features Gallery

Infinity / Grotto Swimming Pools

Screen Enclosures Gallery

Outdoor Living Gallery

Peace. Relaxation. Luxury.
It’s all right here.

Peace. Relaxation. Luxury.
It’s all right here.

If you can imagine it, we can build it. Our innovative team of designers is ready to create a timeless environment that refreshes and relaxes for generations to come. It’s time to turn your vision into reality.


The Finest Minds in Design

We created Presidential Pools & Spas with one driving purpose —to design and build custom luxury pools and outdoor spaces that enrich home environments. Our combination of experience, imagination, white-glove service and unparalleled quality generates a seamless design and build process that goes far beyond the status quo. By aligning with your vision and expertly managing each stage of the build from start to finish, we’re able to deliver luxury pool and outdoor living environments that exceed your expectations.

Our entire team at Presidential Pools & Spas takes great pride in working with our clients, from initial planning to budgeting to building. We look forward to offering an elite level of service unmatched throughout the industry to all our clients.

Contact Us

Our team of experts is here to answer any of your questions.

Our Work